Build Your Concepts

It’s very important to understand Mathematics from Basics. Maths is used all over the world Everyday under different applications by all types of people from Engineers, Accountants, Lawyers, Doctors to Businessmen. Thus if we focus on basics, we can apply Maths very easily to solve tough problems. Lets learn some Maths Concepts with help of some visual illustrations

Learn with the Help of Animated Illustration

Mathematics concepts play an vital role in scoring exams and securing good rank in competitive exams. Watch Maths video tutorials to build your basics and concepts that will help you in solving tough problems.

Visual Proof of Area of Circle

Why area of circle is πr^2 ? 

How to get the formula ? Understand with the help of animated illustration.. Area of the circle is πr^2. But How ?? Watch out this video..

Visual proof of Algebraic Identities

Why (a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2

Let’s understand with visual proof of algebraic identity..why (a+b) whole square is equal to a square plus b square + 2ab..

Why (a-b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^2

Let’s understand with visual proof of algebraic identity..why (a-b) whole square is equal to a square plus b square – 2ab..

Why a^2-b^2 = (a+b)(a-b)

Let’s understand with visual proof of algebraic identity..why a square minus b square is equal to (a+b)(a-b)..

Derivative at a Point

Geometrical Interpretation of Derivative at a Point

Understand what is Derivative ? Geometrical Interpretation of derivative at a point is slope of the tangent to the point, if it exists. But how to find slope and how to draw tangent to a point. See here and understand with the help of animated illustration as tangent line limiting case of secant.

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